Helping charities to become more cyber resilient
We will help you build a cyber-resilient organisation to protect against growing cyber crime and cyber breaches.
As a police-backed not-for-profit partnership, one of our objectives is to help charities, community groups and voluntary sector organisations build up cyber resilience and stay safe against cyber attacks.
Charities and other organisations are hugely at risk from cyber attacks - and this is growing year on year. 83% of charities reported to have experienced phishing attacks in a Government survey last year.
There are many reasons why charities are at risk of cyber breaches and cyber attacks.
They can hold amount of data, including financial information, which is attractive to criminals
They often work with a lot of part-time staff and volunteers who are not hugely aware of cyber risks and cyber security
They often don’t have the budgets for new up-to-date IT equipment or dedicated cyber resilience employees
What can we offer you?
Free membership, which includes resources, guidance, advice and regular newsletters on how to stay aware of cyber risks
Low cost, affordable cyber security training sessions for employees, trustees and board members
Access to a police-backed support system to enable charities to build cyber resilience in the long-term

Become a free
member today!​
Free membership is available for all charities, voluntary sector organisations and community groups across the North West.
Membership includes:
Free Welcome Pack
Free Cyber Security Guide for Small Businesses
Free Cyber Security Guidance specific to charities
Free Cyber Incident Response Pack
Free Police Cyber Scams Information Booklet
Free National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) materials
Free Cyber security guidance materials
Free Member-only communications and events
Free Police updates on cybercrime trends in the North West
Free briefing about our cyber security services
Tel: 0161 706 0940
Registered in England & Wales No.12309263
Read our Membership Policy here
*Your email address is used to send you emails and information about the activities of The NWCRC. You can always use the unsubscribe link included in the newsletter.
**Add our email address to your address book to make sure our emails don't get lost -​
How we support charities
Join the North West Cyber Resilience Centre network for free, becoming part of a wider network to share knowledge and build cyber resilience. We offer free advice, resources and newsletter updates to help your organisation stay up to date on the latest cyber resilience techniques and cyber threats.
Low cost affordable training ​​
As a police-backed not-for-profit organisation, we are able to offer very low cost training and assessment services for charities. It's important to give your employees regular training sessions to keep your organisation safe and secure from cyber attacks.
Our ongoing support and guidance offers charities, and their employees, the chance to gain confidence in building digital confidence around cyber resilience.
Long-term cyber resilience ​
Our team will work closely with charities to advise them on how to build a strong cyber resilience team, with a long-term approach to keeping your organisation safe.