Cyber Security Guide for Small Businesses
In our personal and working lives, we work with digital devices every day. They allow us to work and socialise at the tap of a screen. Having the world at our fingertips has transformed not only the way we organise our social calendar, order food and speak to the doctor but also the way we do business. This connectivity has brought us closer together, but it's not without risk and we all need to take steps to reduce this risk.
When running a small business you need to understand and prioritise where you can protect your organisation —is it your identity, your privacy, your systems, your data, or is it all of these things?
When you know what you want to protect, you need to understand how it might be at risk.
Stay secure when working remotely with our guidance for when 'Remote Working is Everyday Working' for your staff.
This Cyber Security guide for Small Businesses includes:

What is Cyber Security?
Cyber security is how individuals and organisations reduce the risk of becoming victims of a cyber-attack or online crime.

What are the different types of cybercrime?
Cybercrime takes many different forms; Ransomware, Account compromise and
Business Email Compromise.

Further free resources & support
Alongside the National Cyber Security Centre, we also have several other resources for you to read and share with your staff. Visit our FAQs section here.
This guide has been produced in partnership with: